Monday, 27 August 2007

Wrestling Potpourri # 1

Terry Funk/Dory Funk Jr. vs. Hansen/Gordy

8/31/1983 - All Japan Pro Wrestling

It’s Terry’s retirement match so being the huge dick that he is Hansen attacks Terry straight after the intros, fighting through all of the thousands of streamers that are still in the ring. They spill outside and it’s a glorious mess with streams of coloured paper and numerous Japanese folk running for cover. Hansen is just a fired-up bastard heel and beats and beats on Dory forever. Gordy plays his role really well, nicely supplementing Hansen. Terry Funk is indescribably brilliant and plays the babyface as only Terry can, and runs wild on the hot-tag. He’s running around all bloodied up, selling a fucked up knee courtesy of Mr. Hansen and it’s just great. Finish comes when Gordy fucks up a top-rope splash and lands on his face, which leads to Terry hitting a Super Sunset Flip. Post-match Hansen beats the shit outta Terry some more and the lays out one of the ring guys with a lariat, which is sold like death, complete with his buddies carrying him out because he’s so fucked up. Then Terry gets on mic and gives a farewell speech which consists of him screaming ‘Japan! Number One! Forever! Forever!’ over and over again. Words cannot describe the brilliance of this video. Pure greatness.

And also a review of the Joe/McGuinness match from ROH in Liverpool earlier this year:

McGuinness vs. Samoa Joe

3/3/2007 - Ring of Honor

So this is Joe's second last match in ROH, against the future ace of the company in the future ace's home country. So right before anything has happen this is already completely awesome. The crowd are pretty split, but maybe a tad more in favour of Joe since he's leaving. Nice show of respect at the start, but then that goes all out of the window when Nigel slaps the fuck out of Joe. Like the most disrespectful, loudest, most awe inspiring slap ever. Then then proceed to punch and kick the fuck out of each other in an awesome manner. Nigel has some awesome lariats now. All of them just look brutal, and the rebound one on the outside was sweet. They tease a Tower of London onto the apron, but then deliver a fucking Muscle Buster on to it instead. That was such a brilliant spot. Nigel is now dead and has to be helped out, but Joe wants him to shake his hand. He shouts at him for a while and then calls him a 'British pussy'. Oh snap. Nigel then comes back to the ring to defend Brits and pussies everywhere, but is still dead from the super Muscle Buster. Joe beats the fuck out of him and hits a normal MB. But is Nigel just going to lay down? Fuck no! He kicks out and proceeds to do the most amazing 'fish out of water, fuck you Joe, I won't be pinned' flopping I've ever witnessed. Then Joe kills him with a lariat and he kicks out, followed by another and he kicks out at one! At this point I have the biggest shit-eating grin on my face, for this is great. Nigel then tries a slick roll-up, but to no avail and then Joe kills him and gets the win. Really Nigel should have pinned him here, because the crowd was totally ready for it, but you can't predict these things ahead of time. Still if Nigel was going to pin Joe once during the FYF I have no idea why they would choose Philly over England. Still this was a great match, not MOTY but still immensely entertaining.

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